Movies Music & Media
The 3 M's, Music, Movies and Media. All you ever need. Search and find the latest in gossip about the hottest actors and musicians. This crowd can never pipe down. There is always a new dilemma or dramatic event for us to report on. For a record number of weeks Pamela Anderson was at the top of the charts earning the title of most searched actress as well Lindsay Lohan and her wardrobe malfunctions never miss the headlines. All the top stars are under public scrutiny and slip up from time to time. We are here to report on Janet Jackson’s exposure at the super bowl, or Madonna’s illegal adoption. Not all news is bad news. Come here to find out about the latest albums and this seasons hit song on the charts. Shakira is in the lime light, with her provocative look and sexy dance. Count on to let you in on the loop with whose doing what and dumping who. Read our recent article about Star Jones Reynolds and her troubles with The View and hubby Al Renyolds. The movie and music business is forever changing in every direction. Keep Encykeypedia in mind to answer your questions about recent events.