Heather Mills
Angry Divorce From Paul
Heather Mills is one of many celebrities by marriage who has the spotlight focused on her. Mills also seems to take an active role in numerous amounts of charities. Charity work has been a major part of Mill's life. Pictures of Heather have been shown traveling the globe in aid stop continuous cruelty to animals for fashion purposes. The former model, know for her provocative sexy nude photos, has taken on a different face of the entertainment side. Heather Mills in her astonishing divorce from Paul McCartney struggles to keep her celebrity status. Heather and Paul, together for only four years are parting ways, amicably they say. They still care about each other and for the sake of their young daughter Beatrice Milly they hope for the divorce to run smoothly with as little involvement from the press. Convincing the media that the divorcing couple are still friends, Paul even went as far as to defend Mills over media accusations that she married for money.