How to give yourself an at home manicure
First of all, the skin below your nails is called the cuticle. It is too close to the nail and will be covered with nail polish and unhealthy for your nail if it is not pushed down. You simply need a wet clean wash cloth to gently push them down, try using the edge of the towel to make it easier. Then to moisturize your cuticles, apply any moisturizer to the back of your hands; try not to put too much on your palms and the back of your fingers because your hands may slip while holding the nail polish brush. Remove the layer of dry skin and any dirt from under your nails by using the small pointy end of the nail file at the back of your nail clipper (easy to buy at drugstores). Using the nail clipper, clip the tops of your nails but be careful not to touch the skin under your nails, it can cause irritated skin. File your nails so they are even and don’t have any bumps, you can either file them round or square, but if don’t file your nails too round or it might cause an ingrown nail. Use a clear polish to coat the tops of your nails. Gently stroke the wand in an upwards direction , once on the left side of the nail, once on the right side, and once in the middle so the quantity will spread evenly. To dry the first coat , simply let dry for two minutes and wash your hands in cold water, the air will dry the cold water and your nail polish at the same time. Choose any nail polish color and do the same as you did for the first layer, making sure the strokes are upwards, and not using big amounts of nail polish by dabbing the end of the brush on the edge of the nail polish container. Repeat drying step. Repeat the clear coat. Now you have beautiful, gleaming, healthy looking nails.